Autumn Park Assisted Living
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Autumn Park provides 365 days a year of services with specific support schedules developed based on each individual's assessed needs. We provide comfort and security that only skilled in-home atmospheres can provide. With experience and emotional intelligence we achieve the quality of living you want to provide those who have provided for you. This provides living services to persons with various physical disabilities.

This service offers community inclusion and each person's potential for maximum independence. All services are provided with a focus on individuals enhancing their capacities to become as self-reliant as possible. No one describes Autumn Park Assisted Living's "Signature Experience" better than our very own residents and families. Our joy in serving them is contagious.

Browse through some of our favorite testimonials below to see why serving seniors is our calling. Since coming here, I have been more active that I ever have been before. All the usual advice from the 'experts' that I never followed: eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly, socialize and keep active.
Having opened our doors at the beginning of 2016 we are the newest facility in the Saint George area.
We are new to this part of Utah but we have been providing Residential Assistance and Support for over 30 years.
This facility is the culmination of the experience and knowledge that have been tested and proven over the years.
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